Yin chen hao tang

Yin chen hao tang

yin chen hao 18 zhi zi 15 shu da huang 6

When in cold damage that has lasted for seven or eight days, there is generalized yellowing the color of a tangerine, inhibited urination, and mild abdominal fullness, yin chen hao tang governs.

The disease of grain jaundice, has fever and chills, no food intake, vertigo upon eating, restlessness in the chest and heart, after a long time there will be yellowing which is grain jaundice, and yin chen hao tang governs.

For intense dampness and decreased urination use yin chen 30 and wu ling san 50 to obtain yin chen wu ling san.

Jaundice is the presence of original spleen dampness evils clogging the muscle layer. It becomes a problem because the body cannot sweat it out. If heat is generated as in a yang ming pattern then the heat will become a full body heat causing a yellow damp heat manifesting on the skin.

Yin chen hao, Artemisiae scopariae herba is bitter draining of damp and heat in the stomach and spleen. It is bitter draining of heat in the liver blood and ministerial fire. It is the core herb for jaundice, it clears heat and percolates dampness.

It clears the congestion of gall bladder and liver stagnation damp heat resulting in dampness heating up causing yellowing. The ministerial fire is only hot when it stagnates.

Yin chen hao is the core herb for it clears heat and percolates dampness.

Zhi zi, Gardeniae fructus is bitter draining of heat in the heart, liver blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. It is bitter draining of damp and heat in all three burners but mostly heat. It is bitter draining of excess warm fluids.

Zhi zi clears damp and heat in all three burners but mostly heat.

Da huang and zhi zi clear the heat that caused the bleeding by purging fire through the intestines.

Shu da huang, Rhei rhizoma praep is less cold than normal da huang. It descends yang ming and frees Metal from Fire influences by opening and descending the intestines and expelling pathogens.

Steaming emphasizes the blood moving abilities. It dispels the old blood to give rise to the new.

Shu da huang descends yang ming and frees Metal from fire influences by opening and descending the intestines and expelling evils.