
The Ebb and Flow of Health: The Union and Separation of the Six Conformations.

Deze cursus belooft een verhelderende reis te worden naar het hart van de Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde (TCM), waarbij het ingewikkelde samenspel tussen de universele principes Yin en Yang wordt bestudeerd zoals deze zich manifesteren in de zes conformaties. Begrijpen hoe deze twee primaire krachten op elkaar inwerken, waardoor de dynamische processen ontstaan die het leven en de gezondheid beheersen, is cruciaal voor het begrijpen van de essentie van de zes conformaties, die de functionele entiteiten in TCM vertegenwoordigen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het handhaven van het evenwicht in het lichaam.

Dus ja, in deze cursus gaan we diep in op de historische wortels en filosofische onderbouwing van TCM, waarbij we sterk putten uit de baanbrekende tekst, de Yellow Emperor’s Classic. Maar het zal zeer lonend zijn. Door deze lens zul je de diepgaande integratie van TCM met taoïstische principes zien, vooral zoals geïllustreerd door de I Tjing, waardoor hun begrip van gezondheid en ziekte wordt verrijkt. En dat is voor alle TCM-therapeuten van fundamenteel belang.

Startdatum: zaterdag 18 januari 2025 om 12:00

Einddatum: zondag 19 januari 2025 om 18:00

Bedrag:Reguliere prijs€379,00

Cursustaal Engels

TCM Clinical Training

Elevate Your Acupuncture Skills with TCM Woerden’s Comprehensive Clinical Training 14/09/2024

Are you an aspiring acupuncturist or a student of Chinese Medicine eager to deepen your knowledge and refine your skills? Look no further than TCM Woerden’s Clinical Training program—an unparalleled opportunity to gain hands-on experience and elevate your expertise in acupuncture.

Why Choose TCM Woerden’s Clinical Training?

At TCM Woerden, we believe that the most effective way to master acupuncture is through direct, practical experience. Our clinical training program is designed to immerse you in real-world scenarios, allowing you to learn by observing and practicing proven treatment styles. This approach not only enhances your technical skills but also builds your confidence as a therapist.

What You Will Learn

Our comprehensive training program covers all essential aspects of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, including:

  • Deep Understanding of Chinese Medicine: Gain profound insights into the foundational principles and philosophies that underpin Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  • Pulse Theory and Experience: Learn to accurately read and interpret pulses, a critical diagnostic tool in acupuncture.
  • Acupuncture Theory and Treatment Strategies: Master the core theories of acupuncture and develop effective treatment strategies tailored to individual patients.
  • Acupuncture Point Choice: Enhance your knowledge of acupuncture points and learn how to select the most appropriate points for various conditions.
  • Pathology and Physiology: Understand the intricate relationship between pathology and physiology within the framework of Chinese Medicine.

Hands-On Experience

Our training is highly interactive and hands-on. Students are required to bring their own patients or volunteer to be treated themselves, ensuring that you gain practical experience under the guidance of our expert instructor. Over the course of the program, you will observe and discuss a total of seven treatments, providing you with invaluable real-world insights and feedback.

Small Group Learning

To ensure personalized attention and a high-quality learning experience, our clinical training is conducted in small groups, with a minimum of four and a maximum of six students per session. This intimate setting allows for in-depth discussions and personalized feedback, enhancing your learning experience.

Affordable Investment

For a full day of immersive training, starting at 10 AM and concluding at 4 PM, the cost is only 150 euros. This investment in your education and professional development is a small price to pay for the wealth of knowledge and experience you will gain.

Join Us at TCM Woerden

Take the next step in your acupuncture journey with TCM Woerden’s Clinical Training program. Whether you’re a new therapist or an acupuncture student, our program is designed to provide you with the skills and confidence you need to succeed in your practice.

Sign up today and embark on a transformative learning experience that will elevate your acupuncture skills to new heights. Visit our website or contact us directly to secure your spot in our next training session.

Clinical Training


Our comprehensive training program covers all essential aspects of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture.


TCM Woerden – Where Tradition Meets Excellence in Acupuncture Training.