Xuan fu hua tang
xuan fu hua 9 cong bai 3 qian cao gen 3
In liver stickiness, the person enjoys drumming on the chest, and when it hasn’t occurred yet, they want to only drink hot fluids, xuan fu hua tang governs.
This formula clears up the damp accumulation in the Wood liver and chest to free the flow if qi.
Xuan fu hua, Inulae flos is salty softening of phlegm in the chest, lung, spleen and stomach domain. It is bitter draining of phlegm in the chest, lung, spleen and stomach domain. It is pungent dispersing of phlegm which frees the ministerial fire in the san jiao and imperial fire.
Xuan fu hua moves yang ming qi, eliminates phlegm and breaks through accumulations. It raises clear yang and descends turbid yin. It can move qi congestion and calms Wood on Earth and corrects counter flow qi.
Qian cao gen, Rubiae radix is bitter draining of heat in the liver blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. It breaks blood and stops bleeding. It moves blood and transform stasis.
Cold, bitter draining of heat that causes bleeding, it moves blood and transforms blood stasis.
Cong bai, Allii fistulosi bulbus is pungent dispersing of cold and dampness in the stomach domain and spleen. It is pungent dispersing of the liver blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. Cong bai clears the way for the Fire element to make its descent through Earth, Metal to Water.
Cong bai is pungent dispersing of cold on the surface while warming and descending the stomach domain.