Xiao ban xia tang

Xiao ban xia tang

ban xia 24 sheng jiang 24

Vomiting patients should normally be thirsty, for thirst is a sign that it is about to resolve, but now there adversely is no thirst, because there is poking rheum under the heart, and xiao ban xia tang governs.

It treats damp and phlegm accumulation in the yang ming stomach that causes vomiting.

Ban xia and sheng jiang are a core pair of herbs form dampness and phlegm accumulation. Ban xia transforms phlegm and sheng jiang disperses dampness.

Ban xia, Pinelliae rhizoma is pungent dispersing of the liver blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. It is pungent dispersing of the cold and dampness in the stomach domain, spleen and lung. It transforms tai yin damp phlegm generated from excessive and stagnant cold dampness and counteracts nausea and adverse flow.

Ban xia dries dampness and transforms phlegm while moving and dispersing qi congestion.

Sheng jiang, Zingiberis rhizoma recens is pungent dispersing of the liver and pericardium blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. Sheng jiang is pungent dispersing of dampness and cold in the stomach domain, spleen and lung. Sheng jiang is pungent connecting of the tai yin with the tai yang. It supports raising of the clear qi to the chest and the 100 vessels.

Sheng jiang dries the middle of damp that can arise due to spleen obstruction and deficiency.