Ling gui cao zao tang

Ling gui cao zao tang

fu ling 24 gui zhi 12 zhi gan cao 6 da zao 12

After sweating, the person has a probing palpitation under the umbilicus, for there is a tendency to have running piglet, so fu ling gui zhi gan cao da zao tang governs.

This formula addresses the upward rushing of yang due to loss of fluids. It tonifies heart yang while nourishing heart blood.

The loss of fluids due to sweating has caused a weakness in the shao yin heart. Running piglet is a sensation of upward rushing over the abdomen caused by weakness of shao yin. Weak yang floats, and this causes an upward rushing and here yang qi is being anchored by sweetness which creates yin and blood.

It contains the heart yang tonification formula gui zhi gan cao tang.

Fu ling, Poria is sweet and neutral. It drains fluids but is not bitter. Fu ling is tonifying the stomach domain, spleen, kidney and bladder to move excess fluids. It moves more than it tonifies.

Fu ling drains fluids through the tai yang bladder and restores the water metabolism. Dampness is a form of yin and we move the yin with the fu ling to restore the transformation and transport aspect of tai yin. Tai yin is also the post heaven source of clear qi and yin and blood.

The dose of fu ling is higher than normal because there are no other herbs to treat the dampness like ze xie and zhu ling.

Gui zhi, Cinnamomi cassiae ramulus is pungent sweet and warm dispersing of the imperial and ministerial fire. It warms and tonifies the shao yin and jue yin. In doing so it warms and tonifies the whole body.

Gui zhi is the main herb to restore the water metabolism of the tai yang fu organ. It warms the yang on the bladder channel and promotes the transformation of kidney qi as vapor from the stored fluids of the bladder.

Zhi gan cao, Glycyrrhizae radix prep is sweet tonifying and nourishing of all organs but especially the heart.

Zhi gan cao is sweet and mildly warm tonifying and nourishing of yin fluids. It nourishes yin fluids in the tai yin and shao yin. It calms wind in the jue yin.

It balances the pungent gui zhi with its sweet moderation and nourishing.

Da zao, Jujubae fructus is sweet tonifying and moderating. It tonifies and nourishes the stomach domain, spleen, lungs, and heart. It directly nourishes the shao yin heart.

Gui zhi, da zao and zhi gan cao tonify and nourish the heart. Da zao calms excessive movement of Wood wind.

Da zao adds material to the tai yin middle to generate heart blood. Da zao builds spleen qi to strengthen heart qi to anchor yang qi.