Ling gan wu wei jia jiang xin ban xia xing ren tang

Ling gan wu wei jia jiang xin ban xia xing ren tang

fu ling 12 zhi gan cao 9 wu wei zi 12 gan jiang 9 xi xin 9 ban xia 9 xing ren 6 

Now that the surging qi has been lowered, and there adversely is again coughing, with fullness in the chest, use gui ling wu wei gan cao tang minus gui, plus gan jiang, xi xin, to treat cough and fullness.

After the water is expelled the vomiting stops, but if the person appears swollen, then it is governed by xing ren. For this pattern one should add ma huang, but because the person has consequent obstruction, therefore it is not added. If one goes against this and adds it, there will be imperatively be counter flow. How so, because the person is blood deficient and ma huang will diffuse yang.

This is a modification of gui ling wu wei gan cao qu gui jia gan jiang xi xin ban xia tang with xing ren. The xing ren treats the accumulation of water.

Xing ren, Armeniacae semen is bitter descending of Metal. Xing ren descends lung qi, which stands into the interior exterior relation to the large intestine, allowing for a heavy Metal downward pressure on the stomach and large intestine.

Xing ren is a pungent qi moving herb that dries excessive dampness and causes a downward motion of qi movement. Fluids stagnating in the chest will cause shortness of breath and fullness in the chest. Xing ren descends lung qi and fluids and opens the chest. The excess fluids descend to the middle burner where the action of the spleen transforms the fluids.

For a full description see gui ling wu wei gan cao qu gui jia gan jiang xi xin ban xia tang.