Ju zhi jiang tang

Ju zhi jiang tang

ju pi 48  zhi shi 9 sheng jiang 24

In chest obstruction, there is qi stuffiness in the chest, with shortness of breath, fu ling xing ren gan cao tang governs, and ju zhi jiang tang also governs.

Zhi shi is added to ju pi tang which then opens the chest for chest obstruction.

Chen pi, Citri reticulatae pericarpium is pungent dispersing of the liver blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. It is pungent dispersing of cold and dampness in the stomach domain, spleen and lung. It is bitter draining of dampness and phlegm in the stomach domain, spleen and lung.

It is bitter, pungent and dries dampness while descending the stomach qi and dispersing stagnation. Together with zhi shi they disperse stagnation and dissolve phlegm.

Zhi shi, Aurantii fructus immaturus is bitter draining and descending of the stomach domain. It is bitter draining of the liver, gall bladder and san jiao.

The addition of zhi shi to ju pi tang makes it also a shao yang formula. It frees the flow of gall bladder qi and ministerial fire by breaking through the damp phlegm congestion that caused the ministerial fire to stagnate in the stomach and create mild stagnation heat.

Sheng jiang, Zingiberis rhizoma recens is pungent dispersing of the liver and pericardium blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. Sheng jiang is pungent dispersing of dampness and cold in the stomach domain, spleen and lung. Sheng jiang is pungent connecting of the tai yin with the tai yang. It supports raising of the clear qi to the chest and the 100 vessels.

Sheng jiang is pungent dispersing of dampness and cold in the stomach domain, spleen and lung.

We can add zhi shi to formulas that treat fluid accumulation in the stomach if there is also chest obstruction.