Huang qin tang

Huang qin tang

huang qin 9 bai shao 6 da zao 9 zhi gan cao 6

When in tai yang and shao yang disease there is spontaneous diarrhea give huang qin tang.

This formulas clears damp and heat out of the yang ming, shao yang and jue yin.

Huang qin, Scutellaria radix is bitter draining and cooling of heat in the san jiao, stomach domain, lungs, liver, gall bladder, and bladder.

Cold and bitter it is the great cleaner. It clears heat and dampness, in all three burners, and in yang ming, tai yin, shao yang, and jue yin.

Huang qin is used for its affinity with shao yang and jue yin channels where it clears excessive fire flaring upwards, and greatly cools blood to arrest bleeding. It clears liver and gall bladder heat and dries dampness. It clears excessive damp heat in the intestines.

Bai shao, Paeoniae radix lactiflora is sour, bitter and cool. It is sour collecting of yin fluids and blood. It is bitter descending of heat. It nourishes dryness in yang ming and the jue yin. It descends Earth and Metal and calms Wood wind.

Bai shao nourishes blood and astringes yin while buffering convulsions and pain in the abdomen. It lubricates the intestines and descends its qi. It prevents excessive drying from huang qin.

Da zao, Jujubae fructus is sweet tonifying and moderating. It tonifies and nourishes the stomach domain, spleen, lungs, and heart. It directly nourishes the shao yin heart.

Da zao tonifies the middle burner qi and yin and moistens the stomach fluids. Together with gan cao they tonify qi and yin and harmonize the main herbs. Da zao combined with bai shao strengthens the creation of fluids through sweet and sour.

Zhi gan cao, Glycyrrhizae radix prep is sweet tonifying and nourishing of all organs but especially the heart. Zhi gan cao is sweet and mildly warm tonifying and nourishing of yin fluids. It nourishes yin fluids in the tai yin and shao yin. It calms wind in the jue yin.

Tonifies middle qi and protects the stomach from other cold and bitter herbs.