Gui zhi sheng jiang zhi shi tang

Gui zhi sheng jiang zhi shi tang

gui zhi 9 sheng jiang 9 zhi shi 6

For glomus in the heart, and all types of rebellion to the heart with dangling pain, gui zhi sheng jiang zhi shi tang governs.

The heart is another name for the stomach in old Chinese texts. See it as the area under the heart but the glomus does cause a chest bind because yang ming Metal is not descending.

Gui zhi, Cinnamomi cassiae ramulus is pungent sweet and warm dispersing of the imperial and ministerial fire. It warms and tonifies the shao yin and jue yin. In doing so it warms and tonifies the whole body.

Gui zhi opens the vessels and promotes flow of blood, it is one of the most important herbs for moving blood. It warms the vessels and heart and moves stagnant and congealed blood.

Sheng jiang, Zingiberis rhizoma recens is pungent dispersing of the liver and pericardium blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. Sheng jiang is pungent dispersing of dampness and cold in the stomach domain, spleen and lung. Sheng jiang is pungent connecting of the tai yin with the tai yang. It supports raising of the clear qi to the chest and the 100 vessels.

It stops nausea by harmonizing the stomach and drying dampness and phlegm. It dries the middle burner of dampness that can arise due to spleen obstruction and deficiency and by correcting the counter flow of the stomach.

Zhi shi, Aurantii fructus immaturus is bitter draining and descending of the stomach domain. It is bitter draining of the liver, gall bladder and san jiao.

Zhi shi cold and bitter, it moves qi in the yang ming stomach and corrects counter flow qi in yang ming. It moves the flow of gall bladder qi and ministerial fire by breaking through the damp phlegm congestion that caused the ministerial fire to stagnate in the stomach and create mild stagnation heat.

Zhi shi is now combined with warm pungent gui zhi and sheng jiang to clear the cold and disperse the accumulation.

This pattern can be considered a yang ming, shao yang, and jue yin pattern. The ministerial fire is weak and cold which causes phlegm to arise and accumulate in the stomach domain.