Gui zhi jia hou po xing zi tang

Gui zhi jia hou po xing zi tang also known as gui zhi jia hou po xing ren tang

gui zhi 9 bai shao 9 sheng jiang 9 da zao 6 zhi gan cao 6 hou po 6 xing ren 9

When in tai yang disease, there is mild panting following precipitation, it means that the exterior has not yet resolved, therefore gui zhi jia hou po xing zi tang governs. 

This line describes a patient with a chronic wheeze who has contracted a gui zhi tang pattern. Because the lung qi is already weakened, it is unable to put up resistance and when pathogenic wind weakens the exterior, it further impairs the lung qi, giving rise to congestion and wheezing.

Gui zhi tang treats tai yang wind strike and harmonizes the ying and wei. The tai yin must raise the clear qi to the 100 vessels to therefore the function of the lungs must be restored.

Hou po together with xing ren, disperses and descends lung qi.

Hou po, Magnoliae cortex is bitter and aromatic. It is bitter descending of dampness in the stomach domain, chest and lungs. It is pungent dispersing of dampness.

Disperses qi congestion and descends adverse qi flow. It opens the chest and so calms asthmatic breathing.

Xing ren, Armeniacae semen is bitter descending of Metal. Xing ren descends lung qi, which stands into the interior exterior relation to the large intestine, allowing for a heavy Metal downward pressure on the stomach and large intestine.

Xing ren descends lung qi, which stands into the interior exterior relation to the large intestine, allowing for a heavy Metal downward pressure on the stomach and large intestine. Xing ren also moistens the intestines.

See gui zhi tang for a full description.