Gui zhi er ma huang yi tang

Gui zhi er ma huang yi tang

gui zhi 18 bai shao 18 sheng jiang 18 da zao 18 zhi gan cao 12 ma huang 9 xing ren 12

When after taking gui zhi tang, there is great sweating and the pulse is surging and large, use gui zhi tang as before. If the disease resembles malaria, occurring twice a day, sweating will resolve the disease and therefore gui zhi er ma huang yi tang is appropriate.

There are two formulas in which gui zhi tang and ma huang tang are combined. Gui zhi er ma huang tang yi tang and gui zhi ma huang ge ban tang. These formulas do not get used much but the theory is important to understand.

Xu Da Chun comments, The meaning of this formula gui zhi er ma huang yi tang and gui zhi ma huang ge ban tang are similar, but because great sweating has occurred the gui zhi tang is slightly more and the ma huang tang is slightly less.

Meaning that gui zhi tang replaces nutritive and is a formula for deficiency.

It is gui zhi tang at double the dose and ma huang tang. It treats a tai yang wind strike pattern with excess cold accumulation. The surface is half open and half closed and we know this because the formula contains ma huang, gui zhi and bai shao.