Gui ling wu wei gan cao tang

Gui ling wu wei gan cao tang also known as Fu ling gui zhi wu wei gan cao tang

gui zhi 12 fu ling 12 wu wei zi 12 zhi gan cao 9

If after qing long tang was ingested, there is abundant salivation with a dry mouth, a deep cun pulse, and a faint chi pulse, with counter flow reversal of hands and feet and qi surging and qi surging from the lower abdomen to the throat and esophagus, obstruction of the hands and feet, a face that is flushing hot as if drunk and because consequently there is downward flowing to the groin and genital region, there is difficulty urination, and occasionally the recurrence of muddledness, give fu ling gui zhi wu wei gan cao tang to treat the surging qi.

Now that the surging qi has been lowered, and there adversely is again coughing, with fullness in the chest, use gui ling wu wei gan cao tang minus gui, plus gan jiang, xi xin, to treat cough and fullness.

After the cough and fullness have stopped, and there is again thirst, and the recurrence of surging qi, it is because xi xin and gan jiang are warm herbs. So after taking there must be consequent thirst, but if the thirst adversely stops, there is poking rheum, and the rule says there must be muddelness, and in muddleness there imperatively is vomiting, so for vomiting add ban xia, to expel the water.

After the water is expelled the vomiting stops, but if the person appears swollen, then it is governed by xing ren. For this pattern one should add ma huang, but because the person has consequent obstruction, therefore it is not added. If one goes again this and adds it, there will be imperatively be counter flow. How so, because the person is blood deficient and ma huang will diffuse yang.

If the face is hot as if drunk, and then this is stomach heat surging upwards to steam the face, so add da huang to disinhibit.

It treats surging qi due to yang deficiency and it treats water accumulation. Yang qi has become weak due to an external pattern of xiao qing long tang. This was a wind strike pattern with damp accumulation in the tai yin lung causing coughing. After treatment there is still a surging qi and it is due to a yang qi weakness. Weak yang floats upwards and causes counter flow qi.

Gui zhi, Cinnamomi cassiae ramulus is pungent sweet and warm dispersing of the imperial and ministerial fire. It warms and tonifies the shao yin and jue yin. In doing so it warms and tonifies the whole body.

Gui zhi is the main herb to restore the water metabolism of the tai yang fu organ. It warms the yang on the bladder channel and promotes the transformation of kidney qi as vapor from the stored fluids of the bladder.

Zhi gan cao, Glycyrrhizae radix prep is sweet tonifying and nourishing of all organs but especially the heart.

Zhi gan cao is sweet and mildly warm tonifying and nourishing of yin fluids. It nourishes yin fluids in the tai yin and shao yin. It calms wind in the jue yin.

Gui zhi and zhi gan cao make the formula gui zhi gan cao tang which warms the shao yin heart yang so it can once again descend. It puts the emperor back on his throne.

Wu wei zi, Schisandrae fructus Wu wei is sour tonifying and collecting of the lungs. It is astringing of the lungs and stomach domain. It is sweet tonifying of the lungs.

The question is why wu wei zi in this formula. Wu wei zi is slightly warm, sweet and sour and it collects the Metal lungs. The function of the lung is restored so water is dispersed thru the hundred vessels.

Fu ling, Poria is sweet and neutral. It drains fluids but is not bitter. Fu ling is tonifying the stomach domain, spleen, kidney and bladder to move excess fluids. It moves more than it tonifies. Fu ling drains fluids through the tai yang bladder and restores the water metabolism.

Fu ling neutral and sweet, it restores the water ways of earth and the lower jiao. It frees the middle from excessive dampness by leaching it out through the bladder.