Fu ling ze xie tang

Fu ling ze xie tang

fu ling 24 ze xie 12 bai zhu 9 gui zhi 6 sheng jiang 12 zhi gan cao 6

For stomach reflux with vomiting followed by thirst with a desire to drink water, fu ling ze xie tang is indicated.

Stomach reflux as described by this line refers to repeated vomiting of an odorless mixture of rheum and food, also characterized by intermittent thirst. Due to collected rheum in the middle burner, stomach qi counter flow gives rise to vomiting which also damages the spleen. Due to the spleens failure of transportation and transformation, the upper burner is not moistened causing thirst with a desire to drink. Continued drinking actually creates more thirst since further vomiting damages fluids, also causing the patient to drink even more. The mechanism involves spleen deficiency with collected rheum in the middle burner.

It treats water and dampness in the yang ming stomach causing counter flow qi.

Fu ling, Poria is sweet and neutral. It drains fluids but is not bitter. Fu ling is tonifying the stomach domain, spleen, kidney and bladder to move excess fluids. It moves more than it tonifies.

Fu ling drains fluids through the tai yang bladder and restores the water metabolism. Dampness is a form of yin and we move the yin with the fu ling to restore the transformation and transport aspect of tai yin. Tai yin is also the post heaven source of clear qi and yin and blood.

Ze xie, Alismatis rhizome is sweet nourishing and tonifying of the small intestine’s water separation functions.

Fu ling and ze xie combined they promote urination and lead stagnant fluids into the tai yang bladder system to be expelled through urination.

Fu ling, bai zhu, and ze xie are the core trio to restore control over water.

Fu ling, bai zhu and ze xie drain excessive fluids from earth to dry earth and restore its water controlling.

Bai zhu, Atractylodis macrocephalae rhizome is sweet tonifying of the stomach domain and spleen. Bai zhu is bitter draining of excess fluids in the stomach domain, spleen, lungs and bladder.

It tonifies the spleen qi along with the promotion of the spleen’s transforming and transporting actions.

Bai zhu and ze xie form the formula ze xie san for draining the middle burner towards the lower and counters dampness induced dizziness.

Bai zhu combined with gui zhi warms and moves the Earth to metabolize fluids.

Gui zhi, Cinnamomi cassiae ramulus is pungent sweet and warm dispersing of the imperial and ministerial fire. It warms and tonifies the shao yin and jue yin. In doing so it warms and tonifies the whole body.

Gui zhi is the main herb to restore the water metabolism of the tai yang fu organ. It warms the yang on the bladder channel and promotes the transformation of kidney qi as vapor from the stored fluids of the bladder.

Sheng jiang, Zingiberis rhizoma recens is pungent dispersing of the liver and pericardium blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. Sheng jiang is pungent dispersing of dampness and cold in the stomach domain, spleen and lung. Sheng jiang is pungent connecting of the tai yin with the tai yang. It supports raising of the clear qi to the chest and the 100 vessels.

Sheng jiang disperses dampness and warms the Earth. It moves and transforms dampness and supports bai zhu in strengthening the spleen to clear excessive water.