Chi xiao dou dang gui san

Chi xiao dou dang gui san

chi xiao dou 24 dang gui 9

Loss of blood, with first blood and then stool, this is called near bleeding, chi xiao dou dang gui san governs.

When the patient has a rapid pulse, without fever but with mild vexation, taciturnity and only desire to sleep, sweating, and after the initial three or four days, the eyes are red as the eyes of the turtle dove, after seven or eight days the four canthi (corners) of the eyes are black. If you can eat, then the pus has already formed and chi xiao dou dang gui san governs.

When blood appears before defecation, this is called proximal bleeding, indicating that the bleeding originates from an area closer to the anus. This pattern is caused by damp heat in the large intestine which causes blood to become reckless which forces blood downward.

Treatment here involves heat draining, dampness eliminating, blood moving, and chi xiao dou dang gui san is the selected formula.

Chi xiao dou, Phaseoli semen is sweet tonifying of the stomach domain, spleen and kidneys. It promotes urination, reduces edema, clears damp heat, disperses blood stasis, reduces swelling and reduces fire toxicity.

It is neutral, sweet and sour. It promotes urination, reduces edema, clears damp heat, disperses blood stasis, reduces swelling and reduces fire toxicity.

I would expect a bitter taste because it drains fluids. It could be the astringent nature pulls fluids into the water expelling systems.

Dang gui, Angelicae sinensis radix is sweet tonifying and nourishing of liver blood and the ministerial fire. It is pungent dispersing of the liver blood and ministerial fire.

Dang gui is the core jue yin liver blood storage herb. Dang gui tonifies blood and nourishes the liver while moving blood and transforming stasis and so protects the jue yin liver blood from heat.