Chai hu qu ban xia jia gua lou tang

Chai hu qu ban xia jia gua lou tang

chai hu 24 huang qin 9 ren shen 9 sheng jiang 9 da zao 9 zhi gan cao 9 gua lou gen 6

Chai hu qu ban xia jia gua lou tang treats malaria disease with thirst, and also treats taxation malaria.

This is taxation malaria that is a drier pattern than xiao chai hu tang but now with more heat.

The standard modification of xiao chai hu tang for thirst is to remove ban xia and add gua lou gen. The reason for this is that gua lou gen is sweet and the sweet taste nourishes. Ban xia is pungent warm drying of fluids.

This formula does not get used much but we can learn that a shao yang pattern is often a dryness pattern because the ministerial fire is weak.

Tian hua fen, Trichosanthis radix or Gua lou gen is sweet, bitter and cold. It is bitter draining of congested phlegm and heat in the chest while moistening the lungs.

Tian hua fen is sweet nourishing of fluids. It is bitter draining of excess warm fluids. It nourishes and drains fluids to clear the channels. It clears congested phlegm heat in the chest while moistening the lungs. It clears without the bitter taste meaning it does not damage fluids.