Da huang huang lian xie xin tang

Da huang huang lian xie xin tang also known as da huang xie xin tang

da huang 6 huang lian 3

When there is a glomus below the heart that is soft when pressure is applied, and the pulse is floating on the guan, da huang huang lian xie xin tang governs.

This pair is used for clearing glomus in the stomach so Metal can once again descend to control Wood.

Huang lian, Coptidis rhizome is bitter draining of heat in the ministerial and imperial fire. It is bitter draining of heat in the heart and san jiao. It is bitter draining of heat and dampness in the stomach domain.

Huang lian is bitter cold and clears excessive heat affecting the heart and stomach. It enters the heart channel to calm the heart and arrest vexation. It clears yang ming stomach heat to pacify the stomach and promote sound sleep, for when the stomach is not at peace, the heart is not calm.

Da huang, Rhei rhizoma is bitter draining of excess heat and dry stool in the stomach domain.

Da huang descends yang ming and frees Metal from Fire by opening and descending the intestines and clearing heat.